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Thursday September 19 2024


but out of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us from God wisdom, righteousness also, and sanctification, and redemption,



through all prayer and supplication praying at all times in the Spirit, and in this, watching in all perseverance and supplication for all the holy ones

ISAIAH 62.6-7

On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen, || All the day and all the night, || Continually, they are not silent.” O you remembering YHWH, do not keep silence for yourselves, And do not give silence to Him, || Until He establishes, and until He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.


MATTHEW 11.28-30

Come to Me, all you laboring and burdened ones, and I will give you rest; take up My yoke on you, and learn from Me, because I am meek and humble in heart, and you will find rest to your souls, for My yoke [is] easy, and My burden is light.”



And I say, “Woe to me, for I have been silent, || For I [am] a man of unclean lips, || And I am dwelling in [the] midst of a people of unclean lips, || Because the King, YHWH of Hosts, my eyes have seen.”


MATTHEW 14.12-13

Truly, truly, I say to you, he who is believing in Me, the works that I do—that one will also do, and greater than these he will do, because I go on to My Father; and whatever you may ask in My Name, I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son;



Are not two sparrows sold for an assarion? And one of them will not fall on the ground without your Father;