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Let Me See

Let Me See

Lord, Oh Lord, let me See Your Word behind the Words; let me See Your Light in the Light; and let me Receive Revelation in Your Revelation.

Breaking of Everything

Breaking of Everything

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To Impart God, the Presence of God, the Sense of God.

You cannot without the Breaking of Everything, even your most precious possessions, at the feet of the Lord Jesus.

Consents and Expects

Consents and Expects

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Because, being utterly helpless, he Consents and Expects to have the Mighty Saviour Work in him.

He Looks Up

He Looks Up

The Believing Disciple Learns to Look Upon Christ on the Throne, Christ the Omnipotent, as his Life.

He Looks Up, and Rejoicing that Christ is his Life, he Confidently Reckons that That Life will Work Mightily in him all he needs.



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Faith Takes Hold of the Answer in the Promise as an Unseen Spiritual Possession and then Rejoices and Praises God for it.



Patience and Faith, Waiting and Hastening,

Are the Secrets of Perseverance.

Again in Travail for Them

Again in Travail for Them

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Again in Travail for them.

This requires time, love, intercession, tears, and daily expectation.