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Scent Christ in You

Scent Christ in You

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God will begin to Use you to Create Hunger in others.

People will Scent Christ in you.

The most unlikely people will Detect That.

A Life Gone With the Lord, Everything to Him.

That Kind of Life Creates Impressions, and Impressions Create Hunger, and Hunger Provokes men to Go On Seeking until they are brought by Divine Revelation into Fullness of Life in Christ.



Patience and Faith, Waiting and Hastening,

Are the Secrets of Perseverance.

A Sweet Savor of Christ.

Sweet Savor of Christ

Willing to be Imprisoned By Him.

Find Satisfaction in the Lord and nowhere else.

Crushed! Broken! for the Lord.

Unreserved Giving.

O Sweet Savor of Christ!

It is All Yours

It is All Yours

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Lord, here it is.

It is all yours,

Because You are Worthy!

God is Alive

God is Alive

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God is Alive!

He is Alive for Evermore!

is always our Strength and our Hope.

I Will Love You

I Will Love You

My God,

I will Love You with my heart,

I will Love You with my soul,

I will Love You with my understanding,

I will Love You with my strength.

Faith Knows

Faith Knows

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Faith Knows

That is deals NOT with human thoughts or possibilities

But With the Word of the Living God.



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What am I doing to the Lord today?