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As I give myself Wholly to Christ, I Find the Power to Take Him Wholly for myself;

And as I Lose myself and all I have for Him, He Takes me Wholly for Himself, and Gives Himself Wholly to me.

Really Prays

Really Prays

The one who Really Prays is a person who not only often Approaches God but also whose will Frequently Enters Into God’s Will – that is to say, his thought often enters into God’s Thought.

The Call of the Lord

The Call of the Lord

But the Call of the Lord is for the Purpose of Disturbing our current status.

All Spiritual Progress Involves the Changing of current programs.

This is the Price to be Paid for Spiritual Advancement.

Seeking Spiritual ease is often the motive for resisting a Higher Calling.



Unknowingly, self has crept in.

The Best

The Best

There can be a good which can keep us away from The Best.

A Dry Eye

A Dry Eye

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A dry eye reveals a dry and hard heart.

Such a heart has become rebellious, void of feeling, insensitive as wood and stone.

Absolute Surrender

Absolute Surrender

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God is Life, Love, Blessing, Power and Infinite Beauty,

And God Delights to Communicate Himself to Every Child who is Prepared to Receive Him,

BUT the lack of Absolute Surrender is just the thing that Hinders God.

And NOW He Comes and as God He Claims It.

Restraint Constraint

Restraint Constraint

It seems to tell us that this thing should not be done – this is the Restraint of Intuition.

Kind of constraint, urge or encouragement for us to do it – this is the Constraint of Intuition.

Thursday February 20 2025


and I count all things to be loss, because of the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, because of whom I suffered loss of all things, and count them to be refuse, that I may gain Christ, and be found in Him, not having my righteousness, which [is] of law, but that which [is] through faith from Christ—the righteousness that is of God by faith,



to know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death,


ACTS 20.22

And now, behold, I—bound in the Spirit—go on to Jerusalem, not knowing the things that will befall me in it,