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Forsake All

Forsake All

The First Step in the Way to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit: We must Forsake All to Follow Christ.

Forsake your net.

Leave that place and Come and Follow Me.

Lord, we have Forsaken All and Followed Thee. [their homes, their families, their good name].

Men mocked and laughed at them, despised and hated.

They Identified themselves with Him; they Gave themselves Up Entirely to His Bidding.

This is the First Step…

Serving Him

Serving Him

Many works and services done before God are not recognized by Him as Serving Him.

More Reliance on the Holy Spirit

More Reliance on the Holy Spirit

A Christian who wishes to be Delivered from the power of sin must not make provision for the flesh.

He must be watchful.

He must be more disappointed in himself and place More Reliance on the Holy Spirit.

To man this is impossible, but to God all things are possible.

By Faith

By Faith

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It is not only By Faith that we First Come to Christ we are United to Him,

But that it is By Faith that we are to be Rooted and Established in our Union with Christ.

Abiding in Jesus can only be By Faith.

It Cannot Be Otherwise

It Cannot Be Otherwise

Ask whatever you wish.

It cannot be otherwise.

Christ has Full Possession of them.

Christ Dwells in their love, their will, their life.

Not only has their will been Given Up but Christ has Entered it.

There He Dwells and Breathes into it His Spirit.

He whom the Father Always Hears, Prays Through them.

What they Ask Will Be Done for them.



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Only a Specific Knowledge of Him will Constitute a Specific Ministry in Serving the Body of Christ.

Having Learned what others have not Learned, you Receive from the Lord a Specific Lesson, and With This Specific Knowledge of Him you may Serve.

Monday October 21 2024

ACTS 2.4

and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit,


but be filled in the Spirit,



as, then, you received Christ Jesus the LORD, walk in Him, being rooted and built up in Him, and confirmed in the faith, as you were taught—abounding in it in thanksgiving.


LUKE 10.41-42

And Jesus answering said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and disquieted about many things, but of one thing there is need, and Mary chose the good part; that will not be taken away from her.”


JOHN 15.7

if you may remain in Me, and My sayings may remain in you, whatever you may wish you will ask, and it will be done to you.



And having gifts, different according to the grace that was given to us: