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Everything of Him

Everything of Him

Heart Captivated by the Lord!

Who forgets everybody else in the Act of Devotion which Makes Everything of Him.

Such a one Longs For the Closest Communion with God.

One who Finds His Love Better Than All Else.

As His Petitions

As His Petitions

Christ Himself Presents my petitions as His Petitions,

Desired by Him for me,

Even as all Blessings are Purchased for me by His Precious Blood.

The Body of Christ

The Body of Christ

The Body of Christ is where His Life is Manifested in all of its Varied Beauty and Glory Through the Body’s Members.

Friday December 13 2024

ACTS 2.4

and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit,


but be filled in the Spirit,



but out of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us from God wisdom, righteousness also, and sanctification,



Let him kiss me with kisses of his mouth, || For better [are] your loves than wine.



For even as the body is one, and has many members, and all the members of the one body, being many, are one body, so also [is] the Christ,

The Advocate

The Advocate

The Father Himself Loves us and is Willing to Hear us.

Two Intercessors: Christ the Advocate Above and the Holy Spirit the Advocate Within

Are the Gifts of Hs Love.

to pray

To Pray

To Pray in the Spirit,

To Pray According to the Will of the Father,

To Pray in Christ’s Name,

Are Identical Expressions.

Let God

Let God

Man’s failure is not due to his weakness,

But to his unwillingness to Let God Deliver him.

Our Trust is Christ

Our Trust is Christ

In Christ Jesus our Lord we have Boldness and Access in Confidence Through our Faith in Him.

We do not come to God by bring our unworthiness to Him;

Rather, it is Christ Who Takes our hand and Leads us to the Father.

He Introduces Into the Presence of God all who are Cleansed by the Blood as those who Have Been Raised from the dead, for we are Clothed With Him as our Robe of Righteousness.

Hence our Trust is Christ Himself.