Divine Magnet
All these searching’s and hungering’s and longings in your heart are the Drawing of the Divine Magnet, Christ Jesus.
Due to God’s Providential Care, many Beautiful Flowers Today are Watered by Tears in the form of Rain-Drops Falling from Heaven; or else they would all be withered.
God’s Will and God’s Thought
Although we are immature and weak, we may nevertheless approach God and let the His Spirit bring our will Into God’s Will and our thought Into God’s Thought.
School of God
Receive what you do not comprehend,
Submit to what you cannot understand,
Accept and Expect what to reason appears a mystery,
Believe what looks impossible,
Walk In a way which you know not!
Such are the First Lessons in the School of God.
Live and Experience
We Must Live and Experience Truth in order to Know It.
Life-Fellowship with Jesus is the Only School for Heavenly Things.
Separation to God, which means Separation From the world, is a First Principle of Christian Living.
Let us Guard as Precious All that is of God and be Uncompromising in our Separation Unto Him.
To His Will
And this is the boldness that we have toward Him, that if we may ask anything according to His will, He hears us, and if we have known that He hears us, whatever we may ask, we have known that we have the requests that we have requested from Him.
Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Warfare is NOT a personal affair, it is a Body Task.
Let us never think of ourselves as individually competent and go it alone.