Tuesday January 14 2025
ACTS 2.4
and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit,
but be filled in the Spirit,
Let him kiss me with kisses of his mouth,
ISAIAH 27.2-3
In that day respond to her, “A desirable vineyard, I, YHWH, am its keeper, || I water it every moment, || Lest any lay a charge against it, || Night and day I keep it!
1 JOHN 1.9
if we may confess our sins, He is steadfast and righteous that He may forgive us the sins, and may cleanse us from every unrighteousness;
to whom God willed to make known what [is] the riches of the glory of this secret among the nations—which is Christ in you, the hope of the glory,
Blessing and Saving
Our Abiding in Christ and His Abiding in us Make us Share in His Joy of Blessing and Saving others.
Keep It
A desirable vineyard, I, YHWH, am its keeper, || I water it every moment, || Lest any lay a charge against it, || Night and day I keep it!
If you really know how Satan tries to wear you out, you will Ask God to Give you This Sense of Detestation – which is, to Loathe Satan and be Angry with him!
The Will of God Revealed
What is Done in the Will of God, the Strength of God will not be withheld from it.
What is Done in the Will of God will Have the Mighty Blessing of God.
AND SO let our First Desire be to Have the Will of God Revealed.
Above every charge keep your heart, || For out of it [are] the outgoings of life. Turn aside a contrary mouth from you, || And put perverse lips far from you, Your eyes look straightforward, || And your eyelids look straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet, || And all your ways [are] established. Do not incline [to] the right or to the left, || Turn aside your foot from evil!