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How Serious This Is

How Serious This Is!

The Lord will not go somewhere else to wait for them.

He Seeks them in the very way which He has Commanded the Disciples to Travel.

Now if they had turned aside, the Lord would not have met them nor turned aside to wait for them.

How Serious This Is!

Friday February 21 2025

PSALM 106.13-15

They have hurried—forgotten His works, || They have not waited for His counsel. And they lust greatly in a wilderness, || And try God in a desert. And He gives to them their request, || And sends leanness into their soul.


1 JOHN 2.27

and you, the anointing that you received from Him, it remains in you, and you have no need that anyone may teach you, but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all, and is true, and is not a lie, and even as was taught you, you will remain in Him.



Love is long-suffering, it is kind,


MARK 6.48

and He saw them harassed in the rowing, for the wind was against them, and about the fourth watch of the night He comes to them walking on the sea, and wished to pass by them.



As I give myself Wholly to Christ, I Find the Power to Take Him Wholly for myself;

And as I Lose myself and all I have for Him, He Takes me Wholly for Himself, and Gives Himself Wholly to me.

Really Prays

Really Prays

The one who Really Prays is a person who not only often Approaches God but also whose will Frequently Enters Into God’s Will – that is to say, his thought often enters into God’s Thought.

The Call of the Lord

The Call of the Lord

But the Call of the Lord is for the Purpose of Disturbing our current status.

All Spiritual Progress Involves the Changing of current programs.

This is the Price to be Paid for Spiritual Advancement.

Seeking Spiritual ease is often the motive for resisting a Higher Calling.



Unknowingly, self has crept in.