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Thursday January 2 2025

ACTS 2.4

and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit,


but be filled in the Spirit,


ROMANS 12.6-8

And having gifts, different according to the grace that was given to us: whether prophecy, according to the proportion of faith; or ministry, in the ministry; or he who is teaching, in the teaching; or he who is exhorting, in the exhortation; he who is sharing, in simplicity; he who is leading, in diligence; he who is doing kindness, in cheerfulness.



from where also He is able to save to the very end, those coming through Him to God—ever living to make intercession for them.


[He] has also made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him—the glory and the power through the ages of the ages! Amen.

1 PETER 2.9

But you [are] a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people acquired, that you may show forth the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light,



and He who is confirming you with us into Christ, and anointed us, [is] God,



and He who is confirming you with us into Christ, and anointed us, [is] God,



that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of the glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the recognition of Him,

Breath of the Life of God

Breath of the Life of God

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The Father Breathes the Spirit into us to Unite Him with our spirit.

God Draws in again His Breath, and the Spirit Returns to Him laden with the desires and needs of our hearts.

Thus the Holy Spirit is the Breath of the Life of God and the Breath of the New Life in us.

Ever Onward

Ever Onward

The Flow of the Spirit is Ever Onward!

The Whole Trend of the Bible is a Forward Trend.

God’s Acts are Ever New!


Steadily Progressive!

As the Law of Our Life

As the Law of Our Life

O Jesus, our Crucified Redeemer, Teach us not only to Believe On Thee, but to Abide In Thee, to Take Thy Cross not only as the Ground of our Pardon, but also as the Law of our Life.



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By the Power of the Holy Spirit we are Indeed the Channel of Blessing to the world.



The Central Purpose of Prayer is to Prepare for Christ a Glorious Church that is Conformed to Him.

This is the Revelation of the Entire Bible.

Is Life

Is Life

Christianity is Life!

It does NOT ask whether a thing is right or wrong, it asks instead what your Inner Life Says, it is a matter of How the New Life which God Has Given us Addressees the situation.

It is the Life Within you Speaking to the situation.



You babes in Christ are carnal!

You are under the power of the flesh, giving way to temper and unloveliness and not growing or receiving Spiritual Truth, despite your gifts.

Follow Hinm

And Follow Him

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Here is a Man to whom we are Drawn as iron to a magnet!

We cannot help but Forsake our former life, wealth and all, and Follow Him.

Here is a Man that whoever Sees Him Must Repent and Be Saved, that whoever Listens to His Voice Will Receive a New Life, that whoever Hears His Call Will Rise Up and Follow Him.