Victory is neither an experience nor an event;
It is a Person! It is Christ!
Victory is the Person of Christ Living Instead of you!
Victory is neither an experience nor an event;
It is a Person! It is Christ!
Victory is the Person of Christ Living Instead of you!
It is most regrettable that many Servants of God overlook or little understand this sin of presumption.
They have not been brought by the Holy Spirit to the place where they will Judge themselves Rigorously and Acknowledge that they are NOT given liberty to voice their opinion BECAUSE the Lord Himself is the Sole Lord.
Worldliness! has honeycombed the church.
Love of money! The pursuit of business! Seeking after luxury and pleasure and position! What the world thinks is desirable and delights in!
And if you live like the world, it is a proof that the spirit of the world, which is in the flesh, is in you.
The carnal state is proved by the power of sin.
Pure in Heart!
Means a Having as One’s Single Objective the Glory and the Will of God.
Such a one Seeks Nothing But What God May Gain.
How does one pursue a thousand, || And two cause a myriad to flee, || If not that their Rock has sold them, || And YHWH has shut them up?
but out of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us from God wisdom, righteousness also, and sanctification,
1 SAMUEL 15.29
and also, the Preeminence of Israel does not lie nor relent, for He [is] not a man that He should relent.”
ACTS 2.4
and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit,
but be filled in the Spirit,
Blessed the clean in heart—because they will see God.
Do not try while you are in the carnal state to Bear Spiritual Fruit.
You Must Have the Holy Spirit in order to Love;
Then the carnal will be Conquered.
He Will Give you the Spirit to Walk in Love.
The Prime Mover of True Spiritual Work is the Lord, NOT us.
We are only made responsible to Know the Divine Will.
Whatever is Spiritually Effective Must Originate From God’s Heart; we are merely To Do What the Holy Spirit Has Revealed To us.
The Christian Life is NOT one that sometimes Conquers and is sometimes defeated; is NOT one that is defeated in the morning and is Conquering in the afternoon.
It is ALWAYS in Triumph.