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Because you Perceive how the devil keeps on wearing you down, you Resist him.

The moment you See this, Satan knows his tactic is discovered and his hope is lost.

May God Truly have Mercy Upon us that we may Recognize that wearing-out work of Satan.

Let us Realize that if we patiently endure, the work of Satan will most certainly continue; but if we are Outraged, he will immediately leave us alone.



We should not be angry at people who are used by Satan; on the contrary, we ought to be patient with them, even loving them.

But we must Oppose and Resist the hidden conspiracy of Satan.

If we Withstand what he does, we will soon be Freed.



If you really know how Satan tries to wear you out, you will Ask God to Give you This Sense of Detestation – which is, to Loathe Satan and be Angry with him!



When Satan wears people out he employs all kinds of ways.

He wears out the body, men’s heart, and one’s Spiritual Life.

He does not attack violently; he wears out slowly.

We must THEREFORE Guard Against the wearing-out tactics of Satan.

We must NOT let him wear us down.

We will INSTEAD Resist him at every step.