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To Believe

To Believe

Lord, Teach me to Believe in the Reality of Your Will.

That Your Eternal Love Works Out Its Purpose in each life that Yields itself to You.

Show me the Power Behind Every Promise and Every Command of the Word and that Its Fulfillment is Sure because God Himself Guarantees It.

Let the Will of God Be the Rock On which my Prayer and my Assurance of an Answer Rest.




The River of God is Full of Water!

In the Source of the Living Water, there is no such variation or shadow due to change.



Blessed the man who Learns the Lesson of Stillness.

In Quietness and Confidence shall be your Strength.

Always First Pausing and Waiting, until the soul be Hushed in the Presence of the Eternal Majesty.

All Spiritual Works

All Spiritual Works

All Spiritual Works are Decided By God and Desired By His Children.

All are Initiated By God and Approved By His Children.



We should have only one reaction.

That reaction is neither reasoning nor enduring, but Transcending.

A Gentle Tongue

A Gentle Tongue

A Gentle Tongue is a Tree of Life.

Gentle is not being overheated; it is being moderate and proper in tone.

With much speaking, the tongue becomes heated; and when the tongue gets overheated, there is no more Tree of Life.

Only a Gentle Tongue is a Tree of Life.

A Gentle Tongue is one that is neither hasty nor foolish nor babbling.

You cannot Smell the Fragrance of Christ in a Christian who loves to chatter with idle words.

He who delights in speaking idly is unable to Supply others with Life.

For an idle word is but the creation of a big opening through which your Life is Leaked Away.

There is Deliverance

There is Deliverance

How much is being done in the spirit of the flesh and in the power of self?

How much work, day by day, in which human energy – our will and our thoughts about the work – is continually manifested and in which there is but little of Waiting Upon God and Upon the Power of the Holy Spirit!

Let us make confession.

There is Deliverance!

Look Only To Jesus

Look Only To Jesus

Looking Away Unto Jesus!

Meaning that we are to Look Away from all the other things around us and

Look Only To Jesus!

Wednesday March 12 2025

1 JOHN 5.14-15

And this is the boldness that we have toward Him, that if we may ask anything according to His will, He hears us, and if we have known that He hears us, whatever we may ask, we have known that we have the requests that we have requested from Him.


PSALM 65.9

the stream of God [is] full of water,


ISAIAH 30.15

For thus said Lord YHWH, || The Holy One of Israel: “In returning and rest you are saved, || In keeping quiet and in confidence is your might,” || And you have not been willing.

PSALM 37.7

Be silent for YHWH, and stay yourself for Him,

PSALM 62.1

Toward God alone [is] my soul silent, || My salvation [is] from Him.


HEBREWS 12.1-3

Therefore, we also having so great a cloud of witnesses set around us, having put off every weight, and the closely besetting sin, may we run the contest that is set before us through endurance, looking to the Author and Perfecter of the faith—Jesus, who, for the joy set before Him, endured a cross, having despised shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God; for again consider Him who endured such contradiction from the sinners to Himself, that you may not be wearied in your souls—being faint.
