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Absolute Surrender

Absolute Surrender

Absolute Surrender! I am Thine, and all that I have!

If we do Say It, God’s Blessing Will Come Upon us.

God Wants you to be Separate from the world!

You are Called to Come Out From the world that hates God.

Come Out for God and Say, Lord, Anything For Thee!

If you Say That with Prayer and Speak That Into God’s Ear, He Will Accept It and Will Teach you What It Means.



We Christians also live in reactions, BUT ours are Different from those of the unbelievers.

A Christian should NOT have unchristian reactions, NOR can a non-Christian have True Christian reactions.

If you want to know what sort of person someone is, just notice the kind of reactions he has.

He Will Reveal

He Will Reveal

If but your ear be open,

And your thoughts Brought Into Subjection,

And your heart Prepared in Silence to Wait Upon God,

And to Hear What He Speaks,

He Will Reveal to you His Secrets.



A ship which is wrecked cannot sail.

Whether a Christian can proceed depends therefore on whether he has any offense outstanding on his conscience.

Confession To God Will Remove the offense!

But as long as the Believer accepts the accusation of Satan, his conscience is stuck with it.

How wrong we are to believe in the devil’s accusations more than we Believe in the Precious Blood!

God Allows

God Allows

Whenever God Allows a Cross to Fall On us, He Has a Particular Reason.

Each Cross Has Its Spiritual Mission, that is to say, it is Sent to Accomplish Something Special in our life.

The Way of The Cross

The Way of The Cross

The Way of The Cross!

We do not realize that all which comes our way is Permitted By God.

Whatever is against our will,

Whatever causes us to be misunderstood,

Makes us suffer,

Blocks our way,

Or shatters our hope

Is a Cross Given By God To us.

YET how do we face such a thing?

Do we resist in heart?

Do we complain to people?

Do we long to avoid these difficulties?

Friday March 7 2025

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through all prayer and supplication praying at all times in the Spirit, and in this, watching in all perseverance and supplication for all the holy ones


Thus said Lord YHWH: Yet this I am inquired of by the house of Israel to do for them: I multiply them as a flock of men,

ISAIAH 62.6-7

On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen, || All the day and all the night, || Continually, they are not silent.” O you remembering YHWH, do not keep silence for yourselves, And do not give silence to Him, || Until He establishes, and until He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.


ISAIAH 30.15

For thus said Lord YHWH, || The Holy One of Israel: “In returning and rest you are saved, || In keeping quiet and in confidence is your might,” || And you have not been willing.

PSALM 37.7

Be silent for YHWH, and stay yourself for Him, || Do not fret because of him || Who is making his way prosperous, || Because of a man doing wicked schemes.

PSALM 62.1

Toward God alone [is] my soul silent, || My salvation [is] from Him.


1 TIMOTHY 1.19

having faith and a good conscience, which some having thrust away, made shipwreck concerning the faith,


MARK 8.34

And having called near the multitude, with His disciples, He said to them, “Whoever wills to come after Me—let him disown himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me;