Wait On God
But God Has His Workers and His Plans Clearly Mapped Out, and our Position is to Wait On God to Communicate to us as much of His Will as each time is needful.
But God Has His Workers and His Plans Clearly Mapped Out, and our Position is to Wait On God to Communicate to us as much of His Will as each time is needful.
All Spiritual Work Must Begin with the Spirit’s Call; all Divine Work Must be Divinely Initiated.
God Must Send!
The Answer to All Issues in Life that confront us is, what does God Say in us about them?
He should not have lost his Consecration nor his Testimony of Separation.
Satan knew that the source of this man’s power lay in his Consecration.
Pressed daily with words…
He fell into the snare of Satan: he lost his Consecration, Power, Testimony of Separation and the Presence of God.
Such is done by the enemy.
Oh! Be Watchful.
He Most Dislikes unwillingness to Forgive on the part of His Children.
Exceedingly ugly to be merciless and ungracious.
The Lord Expects you to Treat others as He has Treated you.
Our Prayer Must be a Work of Faith.
JUST AS Jesus Communicates His Whole Life to us,
HE ALSO Breathes into us our Prayers.
The Most High God, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, stoops to Make Covenant with man.
Such Grace is Beyond Comparison.
We can only Bow and Worship Before the God of Grace.
ACTS 2.4
and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit,
but be filled in the Spirit,
and He who is confirming you with us into Christ, and anointed us, [is] God,
did it not seem necessary to you to have dealt kindly with your fellow servant, as I also dealt kindly with you?
and I have made a perpetual covenant for them, in that I do not turn back from after them for My doing them good, and I put My fear in their heart, so as not to turn aside from me;