The Spirit of God
This is the Great Need of Every Christian – the spirit of the world going out, and the Spirit of God Coming In to Take Possession of the Inner Life and of the Whole Being.
This is the Great Need of Every Christian – the spirit of the world going out, and the Spirit of God Coming In to Take Possession of the Inner Life and of the Whole Being.
It is the Holy Spirit.
It is the Lord.
The Lord’s Appointing, not of our choosing.
The Deciding Factor is Always the Ordering of the Lord.
Today our life is to Receive Daily the Dealing of the Cross that we may Lose whatever is in Adam.
Today we are NOT out to Gain Resurrection Life but to Lose the life in Adam.
We Already Possess All That is of the Resurrection Life, yet at the same time we still carry with us much that is in Adam.
Consequently, today it is NOT a matter of much to Gain but How Much to Lose.
Prayer is the Most Wonderful Act in the Spiritual Realm as well as a most Mysterious Affair.
Few people really know very much about them.
Few are truly able to accomplish much for God in Prayer.
The Power of Prayer lies not in how much we Pray but in how much our Prayers are in Accordance with the Principle of Prayer.
Only Prayers of this kind are of True Value.
Night and day, every moment!
Jehovah Shall Keep thee from all evil; He Shall Keep thy soul.
We Shall Learn to Believe that Conscious Abiding in Christ every moment, night and day, is Indeed What God Has Prepared for them that Love Him.
He Permitted Circumstances therefore…
You may have become deaf to that!
God then has to Speak to you through what is going on around you.
Holy Spirit make my whole life Abide in Yours and Your Intercession, so that my Prayer may be Its Echo.
ACTS 2.4
and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit,
but be filled in the Spirit,
ISAIAH 27.2-3
In that day respond to her, “A desirable vineyard, I, YHWH, am its keeper, || I water it every moment, || Lest any lay a charge against it, || Night and day I keep it!
JOSHUA 1.2-3
“My servant Moses is dead, and now, rise, pass over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them, to the sons of Israel. Every place on which the sole of your foot treads, I have given it to you, as I have spoken to Moses.