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Do What God Wants Me To Do

Do What God Wants Me To Do

Do What God Wants Me To Do!

By Thy Grace I Desire To Do Thy Will in Everything in Every Moment of Every Day.

I Give myself Absolutely to God and to His Will To Do Only What He Wants.

It is God Who Will Enable you to Carry Out the Surrender.



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Jealousy is the meanest of all attitudes, there is no mentality lower than this one.

But The Cross

But The Cross

But that is NOT our standard.

But the question is, do you only want to be right?

Our standard is never right or wrong, but the Cross.

My Life is to be Governed by the Principle of the Cross.

The Will of God

The Will of God

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Nothing of the Will of God is ever Released without Passing Through man, and nothing of whatever Will of God Released Through man is ever free from an encounter with the power of Satan.

For the Realization of God’s Will, there is the need for Prayer;

To Remove Satan’s opposition Requires Prayer.

Let us Exercise the Authority of Prayer is Loosing what must be Loosed and Binding whatever should be Bound.

Let us NOT Pray after our own will.

Let us Draw Near to God and Pray According to the Will which He has Reproduced in us.

When God Says that This Must Be Done we also say It Must Be Done.

When He Says This Must Not Exist, we too say It Must Not Exist.

We ought to Forget ourselves, Touch God’s Will, and Express His Current Will Through Prayer.



It is When the soul is Hushed in Silent Awe and Worship Before the Holy Presence that Reveals Itself Within, that the Still Small Voice of the Blessed Spirit Will Be Heard.

Because of Sin

Because of Sin

But now he was outside the garden because of sin.

Nevertheless he tilled the soil as before, he received the produce as before, and he offered it to God as before.

God not only Refused to accept his offering, but also Rejected him.

Nothing can be worse in God’s Eyes than for man to do the former things as though he had not sinned.

To commit sin is bad enough, but not to be conscious of it is more serious.

Pray in the Right Way

Pray in the Right Way

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God’s Word Tells us that the great reason for Unanswered Prayer is that we do not Pray in the Right Way.

JAMES 4.3 – you ask, and you do not receive, because you ask badly, that you may spend [it] in your pleasures.

In not Granting an Answer, the Father Tells us that there is something wrong in our Praying.

The Lord Distributes

The Lord Distributes

The Lord Distributes His Work To All! and everyone has his share.

We must NOT think of ourselves more highly than we ought to think.

We should be Faithful to the Portion which the Lord Has Given each of us; but we should also Respect the Portion He Gives to others.

Wednesday March 5 2025


and become kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, according as God also forgave you in Christ.


ISAIH 30.15

For thus said Lord YHWH, || The Holy One of Israel: “In returning and rest you are saved, || In keeping quiet and in confidence is your might,” || And you have not been willing.

PSALM 37.7

Be silent for YHWH, and stay yourself for Him, || Do not fret because of him || Who is making his way prosperous, || Because of a man doing wicked schemes.

PSALM 62.1

Toward God alone [is] my soul silent, || My salvation [is] from Him.



and Abel, he has brought, he also, from the female firstlings of his flock, and from their fat ones; and YHWH looks to Abel and to his present, and to Cain and to his present He has not looked; and it is very displeasing to Cain, and his countenance is fallen.



you ask, and you do not receive, because you ask badly, that you may spend [it] in your pleasures.



and an eye is not able to say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.”